Thursday, December 12, 2013

External Security Vulnerability Assessment



The findings in the field of assessing the results are explaining the difficulties related with external issues. Issues with both environmental and community are concerning corporate social responsibility ( CSR ) of which will not very reliable unless planned and implemented in such sustainable way. Perceptions of local communities towards the company generally quite good, especially in terms of community development / community development ( comdev ) . Yet in terms of transparency of job opportunities tend to be negative and salty response, it has not accommodatie of the interests of CSR in the industrial relations system of corporate communication. Lack intense and open communication is also proved to be an obstacle to ensure a good relationship is maintained.


In the analysis of in- depth interviews we also involve internal party companies in order to picture 360 degrees making it more thorough . Being in the security context and its current issue is employment and business opportunities we seek to explore the external terms with parts procurement / procurement of goods and services .
Based on interviews with procurement section we get the information that most of the company has adopted the SAP system or an on-line procurement that uses the concept of transparency in the assessment tender. In an effort to increase the capacity of local entrepreneurs the company apply CSMS Clinic with the aim that local entrepreneurs may at any time consult on matters things that needed to be bidders who qualify. In general agreement to use local labor is not translated into the company's official document , so it is only verbal communication alone .
In terms of the internal security forces discovered the fact that they are mostly non - organic employees have concerns about the sustainability of their work and the opportunity to get a clear career path.


Analysis is performed in the rapid assessment is the Gap Analysis . Gap analysis is an event to compare current conditions with ' best practice ' in another place in the same context , in an attempt to identify ' gaps ' and the area that is to be repaired .

identify Gaps

From the results of the field assessment method through in- depth interviews in the picture can be quite thorough about the external conditions  in the context of the Security Management Plan ( SMP ) . Whole questions ( Questionnaire ) which delivered compiled by reference from SVA ( API ) that has been previously suggested . The list of questions can be found in the annex to this report .
As noted earlier report was compiled based on qualitative research that sensisitve against subjectivitas of respondents in interview.Oleh therefore we utilize as many respondents representing all stakeholders who are competent against potential security threats the company externally . Gap Analysis with the method we will be able to see / analyze the things what are the weaknesses in the management system that may result in the achievement of the ideal corresponding SMP Perkap 24/2007 . In a comprehensive analysis of the structure we divided into 5 main sections :

1 . Compliance
Keep in mind over the integrity in the efforts to meet all rules and regulations as one of the state-controlled company in this Indonesia. It is imperative to determine the potential threat of legal aspects and government support both local and national. As a state assessment results is sufficient to comply with all existing rules that negate the potential threat and the lack of support from the government in terms of Indonesian law & regulations.

2 . Safety and Work Environment
Workplace safety and environmental rules such as : EIA documents , waste disposal , safety procedures and proven good enough documentation exist and are used as the main part of the system safety . But in terms of the handling of sewage plant , states do not have a significant excess waste that can harm the environment or endanger public health around so that the process of consultation with the community is practically non- existent. Based on the reference from the consultation process just as the SVA should be routinely performed to the public in anticipation of the public misunderstanding of the potential risks such as environmental pollution since the facility lies in very close vicinity with local surroundings.

3 . Financial Liabilities
In general, the company had fulfilled all financial obligations to both local and national government . However, due to the internal rules of the company it is more difficult to prove in a given financial assessment process are confidential and contain the force of law so that we trouble to look at the financial statements .

4 . operational
Operational part is very important to look at the implementation of the daily activities of the company which is in contact with the surrounding community to better understand the potential threat of an external crisis management system. The company docs TKO handling Non-Physical  which focuses solely on security coordination both internally and with local authorities . TKO also turns to be burdened by anticipating development of local stakeholder concerns (society) , which should be done by more competent parties such as community development staff in order to avoid confusion of information and procedures for the treatment of community . While the Guidelines for Preparedness and Emergency Response
is more geared towards curative and not preventive so memorable only be done if an emergency had occurred and not before . It is feared that if performed by personnel who are not trained to empower people this will actually lead to misunderstanding and it is not possible upheaval of society .
In terms of working relationships with both local and national contractors , the company also not proved to have a good standard which ensures that CSR programs / social must also be considered . This is evident from the hamlet chief complaint around the company reported that never happened 12 times the local women who got pregnant without marrying aka abandoned by the contractor employees run the company . The head of this village is also difficult to check the data for workers contractors submit the matter to the contractor entirely without system / legal basis to make sure they will abide by the rules that exist in the workplace / village government .
The company also not shown to have cooperation with nearby industry in terms of handling external stakeholders same but has a driveway to access the District.
In terms of the company's operations related to the socialization of the environment and public safety, the company also do not have proof of periodically doing this directly and simply give each letter a new event to the operating activities of local leaders alone .

5 . Community / External
The company's community development program is already enough in appreciation of the local community and the system needs to be proven of its existence and not an anecdote, but this system is only set up as a charity and relief pattern does not regulate the empowerment of the community as a whole is based on the Community Need assessment which are ideally expected to create a sustainable community development program . Need assessment actually already been implemented in collaboration with academia but evidence integration with system / SOP community development can not be seen .

The company also unable to show system / SOP for handling public complaints and from field observations it is only done by a team of security without accompanied by a team of community development .

The company can not show proof of program integration efforts of community development / CSR to be implemented in the functions that are directly related to the management of community as contractors and job opportunities ( HR ) . Based on this interview conducted independently by each department .

fill Gaps

How to cope with the gap found in the field ? The answer is the opposite of any findings that exist , so in general the negative gap compared with the standard / best practice that there is a way we determine the best steps / action plan to fix it .
To answer point -point system crisis caused by external parties based on the findings and the fact that there are still prioritizing things that are curative and not preventive . This would be a latent threat if not managed properly . From existing best practice , preventive measures are the best addition to cost effective too long can prevent occurrences before they happen ( especially for the potential occurrence of a society : riots , etc. . ) the company in this regard should be able to strategize how to communicate more intensively with community and listen to their grievances in the form of drafting a more detailed organizational structure , especially the handling of external / public as well as CSR and confirmed in a more detailed form of SOP in order to accommodate the detail necessary SOP .
PGE also can anticipate problems community dissatisfaction with the business opportunity and employment opportunities to incorporate elements of CSR / community development in HSEC management system so that the function of the company is in contact with external parties and its risks can be minimize .
In terms of handling these external problems the company can also coordinate with nearby industries due to its location adjacent and have the same stakeholders .


In general, the performance of the department of Public Relations achieved to ensure good relations with the surrounding community has been running quite good.However undeniable good relationship that has been achieved is also influenced by social conditions and social customs around that would allow it to happen indeed . This will be different if the same structure and approach performed elsewhere . Based on the results of the above assessment implicitly ongoing condition now is not likely to be a time bomb if things become public lament not immediately addressed by the company .
Job and business opportunities for local people is the main thing that is found in the assessment and is becoming a key aspect that must be addressed by the company  systematically and thoroughly to negate efforts to solve the sporadic and temporary. Both of these , if not handled carefully by the Public Relations department with security in it would be a latent problems that may threaten the security of the company both from within and from outs

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