Thursday, December 12, 2013

External Security Vulnerability Assessment



The findings in the field of assessing the results are explaining the difficulties related with external issues. Issues with both environmental and community are concerning corporate social responsibility ( CSR ) of which will not very reliable unless planned and implemented in such sustainable way. Perceptions of local communities towards the company generally quite good, especially in terms of community development / community development ( comdev ) . Yet in terms of transparency of job opportunities tend to be negative and salty response, it has not accommodatie of the interests of CSR in the industrial relations system of corporate communication. Lack intense and open communication is also proved to be an obstacle to ensure a good relationship is maintained.


In the analysis of in- depth interviews we also involve internal party companies in order to picture 360 degrees making it more thorough . Being in the security context and its current issue is employment and business opportunities we seek to explore the external terms with parts procurement / procurement of goods and services .
Based on interviews with procurement section we get the information that most of the company has adopted the SAP system or an on-line procurement that uses the concept of transparency in the assessment tender. In an effort to increase the capacity of local entrepreneurs the company apply CSMS Clinic with the aim that local entrepreneurs may at any time consult on matters things that needed to be bidders who qualify. In general agreement to use local labor is not translated into the company's official document , so it is only verbal communication alone .
In terms of the internal security forces discovered the fact that they are mostly non - organic employees have concerns about the sustainability of their work and the opportunity to get a clear career path.


Analysis is performed in the rapid assessment is the Gap Analysis . Gap analysis is an event to compare current conditions with ' best practice ' in another place in the same context , in an attempt to identify ' gaps ' and the area that is to be repaired .

identify Gaps

From the results of the field assessment method through in- depth interviews in the picture can be quite thorough about the external conditions  in the context of the Security Management Plan ( SMP ) . Whole questions ( Questionnaire ) which delivered compiled by reference from SVA ( API ) that has been previously suggested . The list of questions can be found in the annex to this report .
As noted earlier report was compiled based on qualitative research that sensisitve against subjectivitas of respondents in interview.Oleh therefore we utilize as many respondents representing all stakeholders who are competent against potential security threats the company externally . Gap Analysis with the method we will be able to see / analyze the things what are the weaknesses in the management system that may result in the achievement of the ideal corresponding SMP Perkap 24/2007 . In a comprehensive analysis of the structure we divided into 5 main sections :

1 . Compliance
Keep in mind over the integrity in the efforts to meet all rules and regulations as one of the state-controlled company in this Indonesia. It is imperative to determine the potential threat of legal aspects and government support both local and national. As a state assessment results is sufficient to comply with all existing rules that negate the potential threat and the lack of support from the government in terms of Indonesian law & regulations.

2 . Safety and Work Environment
Workplace safety and environmental rules such as : EIA documents , waste disposal , safety procedures and proven good enough documentation exist and are used as the main part of the system safety . But in terms of the handling of sewage plant , states do not have a significant excess waste that can harm the environment or endanger public health around so that the process of consultation with the community is practically non- existent. Based on the reference from the consultation process just as the SVA should be routinely performed to the public in anticipation of the public misunderstanding of the potential risks such as environmental pollution since the facility lies in very close vicinity with local surroundings.

3 . Financial Liabilities
In general, the company had fulfilled all financial obligations to both local and national government . However, due to the internal rules of the company it is more difficult to prove in a given financial assessment process are confidential and contain the force of law so that we trouble to look at the financial statements .

4 . operational
Operational part is very important to look at the implementation of the daily activities of the company which is in contact with the surrounding community to better understand the potential threat of an external crisis management system. The company docs TKO handling Non-Physical  which focuses solely on security coordination both internally and with local authorities . TKO also turns to be burdened by anticipating development of local stakeholder concerns (society) , which should be done by more competent parties such as community development staff in order to avoid confusion of information and procedures for the treatment of community . While the Guidelines for Preparedness and Emergency Response
is more geared towards curative and not preventive so memorable only be done if an emergency had occurred and not before . It is feared that if performed by personnel who are not trained to empower people this will actually lead to misunderstanding and it is not possible upheaval of society .
In terms of working relationships with both local and national contractors , the company also not proved to have a good standard which ensures that CSR programs / social must also be considered . This is evident from the hamlet chief complaint around the company reported that never happened 12 times the local women who got pregnant without marrying aka abandoned by the contractor employees run the company . The head of this village is also difficult to check the data for workers contractors submit the matter to the contractor entirely without system / legal basis to make sure they will abide by the rules that exist in the workplace / village government .
The company also not shown to have cooperation with nearby industry in terms of handling external stakeholders same but has a driveway to access the District.
In terms of the company's operations related to the socialization of the environment and public safety, the company also do not have proof of periodically doing this directly and simply give each letter a new event to the operating activities of local leaders alone .

5 . Community / External
The company's community development program is already enough in appreciation of the local community and the system needs to be proven of its existence and not an anecdote, but this system is only set up as a charity and relief pattern does not regulate the empowerment of the community as a whole is based on the Community Need assessment which are ideally expected to create a sustainable community development program . Need assessment actually already been implemented in collaboration with academia but evidence integration with system / SOP community development can not be seen .

The company also unable to show system / SOP for handling public complaints and from field observations it is only done by a team of security without accompanied by a team of community development .

The company can not show proof of program integration efforts of community development / CSR to be implemented in the functions that are directly related to the management of community as contractors and job opportunities ( HR ) . Based on this interview conducted independently by each department .

fill Gaps

How to cope with the gap found in the field ? The answer is the opposite of any findings that exist , so in general the negative gap compared with the standard / best practice that there is a way we determine the best steps / action plan to fix it .
To answer point -point system crisis caused by external parties based on the findings and the fact that there are still prioritizing things that are curative and not preventive . This would be a latent threat if not managed properly . From existing best practice , preventive measures are the best addition to cost effective too long can prevent occurrences before they happen ( especially for the potential occurrence of a society : riots , etc. . ) the company in this regard should be able to strategize how to communicate more intensively with community and listen to their grievances in the form of drafting a more detailed organizational structure , especially the handling of external / public as well as CSR and confirmed in a more detailed form of SOP in order to accommodate the detail necessary SOP .
PGE also can anticipate problems community dissatisfaction with the business opportunity and employment opportunities to incorporate elements of CSR / community development in HSEC management system so that the function of the company is in contact with external parties and its risks can be minimize .
In terms of handling these external problems the company can also coordinate with nearby industries due to its location adjacent and have the same stakeholders .


In general, the performance of the department of Public Relations achieved to ensure good relations with the surrounding community has been running quite good.However undeniable good relationship that has been achieved is also influenced by social conditions and social customs around that would allow it to happen indeed . This will be different if the same structure and approach performed elsewhere . Based on the results of the above assessment implicitly ongoing condition now is not likely to be a time bomb if things become public lament not immediately addressed by the company .
Job and business opportunities for local people is the main thing that is found in the assessment and is becoming a key aspect that must be addressed by the company  systematically and thoroughly to negate efforts to solve the sporadic and temporary. Both of these , if not handled carefully by the Public Relations department with security in it would be a latent problems that may threaten the security of the company both from within and from outs

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Proceeding Papers: Strategy in Synergizing National Regional Development Planning System

National Development Planning System

National planning coordination as the main control and coordinating system has been neglected in the past decades. In line with decentralization process, the need of coordinating national and regional plan seems to be underestimated by related stakeholder. People are overwhelmed by the euphoria of decentralization and regional autonomy. The fact that human development index report is steadily increasing but on the other hand is also stagnant in most important area such as education, suggest that we still have problem in delivering public services. Evaluation system is also dwindling in methodology and function, the result were never been used as relevant indicator for future planning.

Supporting laws such as UU17/2003 of Regional Finance and UU 32/2004 of Decentralization are still work in progress and taking shape as framework for integrating national regional development planning process. Current budgeting process in central only took 1/3 from the total state revenue expenditure and the budget ceiling decision is divided between Ministry of Finance and House of Representative. This fact could potentially lead to deviation in planning and budgeting process from inception to execution. BAPPENAS as leading agency in national planning development only has the coordinating capacity up until the annual plan phase. This would hamper the effort in aligning the annual, mid-term and long-term plan since the authority to coordinate is being overshadowed by political intervention in some phase.
The need of harmonization in national regional development planning is critical. Problem in vertical alignment must also be in lined with horizontal sector alignment. Government institution strategic plans between sectors are also have to align and need to harmonize with participatory planning process from the community. As we are working in the public domain the concern of absorbing the input from local community as one of bottom up process is essential.

Planning in the Public Domain

Planning as holistic approach can be translated into particular field today’s focus is on the planning system itself, the context is national development, so what is the best way to elaborate if not discuss on public policy? The object-domain of public policy analysis comprehends all stages of public policymaking, from policy formulation to policy implementation and to policy review. It is obvious that this broad scope requires an equally broad theoretical and methodological basis. Policy analysis clearly needs to be an interdisciplinary field. Friedman in his critical overview of the intellectual history of policy analysis explains that planning system in public domain is dependent on territoriality based system of social relations. The political order systems are influenced by system maintenance, change, and transformation.
Figure 1 elaborates the planning system from knowledge to action. Friedman classified the planning system into four categories:
1.       Planning as social reform
In this system the government role is very significant and principal with centralized for people, top-down, staggered and limited in political aspirations.
2.       Planning as policy analysis
In this system act as equal to other stakeholders and draft current issues with its supporting policies. It is decentralized, scientific and liberal in politics.
3.       Planning as social learning
The government acts as facilitator with the characteristic of learning by doing, decentralized, bottom up and liberal in politics.
4.       Planning as social mobilization
Planning depicted as crystallization of political actions derived from the ideology of communitarian collectivism.               
The understanding of planning as social mobilization is seen as an ideal system since it based on ideology of communitarian collectivism where is applicable in today Indonesia’s Unitarian decentralization context.
The ideal planning system of Indonesia must incorporate positive and normative theory with social learning as main idea to future innovation. The analogy of this picture is depicted in the lack of integration of sectoral planning such as spatial planning, within the context of spatial planning; laws no. 26/2007 represents three local regulations, laws no. 27/2007 represents four, laws no. 24/2007 represent the disaster risk reduction while laws no. 32/2009 there is representation on environmental management. All of these laws are related to RJPD and RPJMD (mid-term and long term regional planning) unfortunately there is still lack of integration within the national context in the same field. There is no representation on spatial planning in national development planning system (SPPN), so the future challenge would be the role of SPPN as main guidance of integration national regional development planning.

Disharmonised in National Regional Development Planning System

The aforementioned could also interpret as disharmonised in national and subnational development planning system since there is still lack of integration among sectors vertically and horizontally. The gap between national and subnationals can be explained as follows:
a.       Disharmonized regulations,
b.      Mismatched cycles of Planning and Budgeting across levels of government.
c.       Weak linkage between planning-budgeting-output-outcome.
d.      Asymmetric information (where not all stakeholders have the same amount of information),
e.      Coordination problem occurred horizontally (between central entities or local entities) and vertically (across the levels of government).
f.        Inadequate capacities and burden.
Regulations are conflicting causing many things is not working in system.  There are mismatch in planning and budgeting cycle between national and regional, participatory planning process most of the time are lagging behind because of the inconsistency of time flow of the process. The linkage between RKPD to APBD is often mismatched and there is no mechanism for validation or sanction. More on the budget, the asymmetrical information flow is causing the inconsistency in data and information, the problem also fuelled by budget rigidity. Coordination on vertical and horizontal basis is still lacking and finally causing the incapacity and irregular budget allocation.
In terms of planning, although the coordination in national planning and budgeting exist, there should be an alignment on documents with continuous feedback to support the monitoring system. On the other hand, based on fact, the current national budgeting system still in the form of input based not yet performance based.
The fact that timeframe to do planning is very limited with only half of the subnationals can achieve the targeted delivery time, has the implication on monitoring and evaluation where at the same time they have to execute and plan. Planning needs to be structurally measured and realistic; the human development index currently used as baseline has to be able to be interpreted in the regional/local context not in ideal notion/standard. Outcome define output, the central government is responsible to determine outcome but with some adjustment in local capacity in carrying decentralization authority.
Best practices in developed country shows that although the government take over the economic situation is based on market failure, it is however take the responsibility on improving public service delivery. BAPPENAS position as planning coordinator is equal to those in other developing countries in managing national development planning and budgeting, therefore its position needs to be strengthened and centralized.

(...For complete paper please email me)

Monday, March 18, 2013

AIM: Certificate IV in Frontline Management

AIM: Certificate IV in Frontline Management BSB40812

This qualification develops the competency of individuals who are taking on responsibility for the implementation of frontline management initiatives. The qualification places particular emphasis on developing effective people skills, managing and leading a team, developing priorities and managing operational plans. I have been supported to join this class of the renown Australian Institute of Management (AIM) by BHP Billiton.

Core Units
Unit of CompetencyAIM CourseDays
BSBMGT401AShow leadership in the workplaceFrontline Leadership
BSBMGT402AImplement operational planImplementing Operational Plans
BSBWOR402APromote team effectivenessWorking in Teams
BSBWHS401AImplement and monitor WHS policies, procedures and programs to meet legislative requirementsCreating a Safe Workplace
Group A
Unit of CompetencyAIM CourseDays
BSBCUS401BCoordinate implementation of customer service strategiesExceptional Customer Service
BSBMGT403AImplement continuous improvementQuality and Continuous Improvement
BSBINM401AImplement workplace information systemWorkplace Knowledge and Information
BSBCMM401AMake a presentationPowerful Presentations
BSBREL401AEstablish networksBusiness Networking - Sharing Professional Knowledge
BSBWOR401AEstablish effective workplace relationshipsEffective People Skills
BSBWOR404BDevelop work prioritiesManage Work Priorities
BSBPUR401BPlan purchasingProcurement
BSBWRT401AWrite complex documentsBusiness Writing Skills
BSBFIA402AReport on financial activityAccounting for Non-Accountants
BSBREL402ABuild client relationships and business networksBuilding Client Relationships
Group B
Unit of CompetencyAIM CourseDays
BSBPMG510AManage projectsManage Workplace Projects
BSBPUR502BManage supplier relationshipsContract Management
BSBADM502BManage meetingsEffective Meetings

Monday, March 11, 2013

CSR Living Up to International Quality Standard

The Maastricht School of Management (MSM) is a leading international management school, engaged on a a global scale in management training and corporate and institutional development. For over 30 years, the school has been operating at the intersection of capacity building, sustainable economic development and economic reforms.

I am lucky enough to won an international scholarship again from the Dutch Government via Nuffic to join the International Course in CSR: Living Up to International Quality Standard. As a practitioner in this area, this is a great opportunity for me to gain more knowledge about international Corporate Social Responsibility from the best. The training is arranged by my old almamater: Maastricht School of Management and the training itself is held in Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon), Vietnam.

By organizing the course in CSR, Maastricht School of Management aim to increase awareness and skills in the field of CSR so as to enhance the incorporation of CSR policies and practices in organizational strategies and operations. The course specific aim are as follows:

- This course will introduce new insights, latest trends and developments in the field of CSR. It will also enable alumni to renew their network and to exchange experiences in the field.

- Upon completion of the course, alumni are expected to perform in a more effective way in the field of CSR. They will be more pro-active as they are aware of the opportunities of getting involved in CSR at an early stage.

- The course also includes the development of an Individual Action Plan (IAP). By developing a viable CSR policy for their organization, participant are encouraged to put their obtained knowledge into their organization's daily practice and strategy.

The primary objective of this program is to enhance participant's understanding of the driving forces behind CSR in industries and firms, of the range of CSR strategies companies may adopt  and of the challenges companies face and the benefits they gain in following this CSR strategy. The interactive course includes (guest) lectures, firms, company visit, practical individual and group assignments, games, and discussions so as to offer a unique learning and networking experience.  

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Proceeding Papers: Revitalization of National Planning System: A Paradigm

Paradigm of Planning and Budgeting

Planning Theory

What is planning? Although as theory the perception of planning is quite general and broad, it can be categorized into either positive or normative. The normative theories are further divided between ethical and functional types; alternatively, they can be considered based on their intent, whether they are "about planning...of planning...for planning" (Brooks, 2002). Planning theory is moving away from functional normative understanding since in current situation, challenges facing by the planners are becoming more complex and cross cutting with other sector.  Contemporary planning theory focuses more on helping planners help themselves with observations on what kinds of techniques seem to work. Moreover, the current phenomenon in economic and political turbulence presents a challenge to devise political systems and a process capable of overcoming the inherent contradictions in public policy work (Friedman, 2011).
As economic development distinguished from economic growth, it resulted from an assessment of the economic development objectives with the available resources, core competencies, and the infusion of greater productivity, technology and innovation, as well as improvement in human capital, resources, and access to large markets (Palermo, 2010). Most traditional economic theory assumes a spaceless framework in which households, firms and governments choose one and only one location (McGuire, 1987).  However, space is not only an input in production it is also an important element in cities for locational planning for economic agents and an appropriate source for local authorities to finance city development.
The theory in urban economics concentrates on the economic relationships and processes that contribute to the important spatial characteristics of urban and regional economies, especially to their size, density of settlement, and structure and pattern of land use.  It provides useful tools to investigate the urban problems and find their solutions. Unfortunately, governments and local authorities in most developing countries, including Indonesia, have not yet taken the advantage of using the tools of regional and urban economics to study the problems of urban planning, infrastructure, finance, service delivery, poverty, slums, housing, land use, transportation, and environment.  These problems are inherently involving the dimension of space and attached to highly complex urban-metropolitan environment in which they occur.  Hence, both spatial and economic organisations of the city are to be understood clearly before urban issues are analysed and policies are determined.  Therefore, urban land use theory and capital theory need to be combined to analyse many urban issues (Fujita, 1989).
Planning are sought to be a problem definition tool with close relation of efficiency. When attached to the idea of planning, it became dominating there too. Planning was then seen as a process of designing problem - solutions that might be installed and operated cheaply. However, as time move on and situations concerning the plan are changing and uncontrollable, by now we are all beginning to realize that one of the most intractable problems is that of defining problems (of knowing what distinguishes an observed condition from a desired condition) and of locating problems (finding where in the complex causal networks the trouble really lies). In turn, and equally intractable, is the problem of identifying the actions that might effectively narrow the gap between what-is and what-ought-to-be. As we seek to improve the effectiveness of actions in pursuit of valued outcomes, as system boundaries get stretched, and as we become more sophisticated about the complex workings of open societal systems, it becomes ever more difficult to make the planning idea operational.

Table 1 Interconnection between Mode & Locus of Planning
Locus of Planning
Mode of Planning
The Planner as applied scientist: Comprehensive rationality
The Planner as political activist: Advocacy
The Planner confronts politics: Incrementalism
The planner as communicator: Communicative action

The rational planning model is mostly used for designing neighbourhoods, cities, and regions is defined  to be the process of realizing a problem, establishing and evaluating planning criteria, creating alternatives, implementing alternatives, and monitoring progress of the alternatives. The rational planning model is central in the development of modern urban planning and transportation planning.  In contrast to rational planning theory, non-rational theories emphasize the actual practice of planning as frequent processes within which participants have the freedom to adjust both methods and goals and adjust the scope of their negotiations at will
Related to decentralization policy, The recent ‘communicative turn’ in planning theory has recognised the importance of communication in planning decision-making and the role of collaboration between as many actors as possible in working towards ‘a political democratisation of daily communication’ (Forester, 1989). This means planning process must comprise formal participatory planning processes, including committee and other meetings, public participation strategies, such as search conferences, and the texts produced for and by these processes.  

The above theory discussed on the interrelation of other aspects within planning but what is the background for planning itself to cover those aspects? Friedman argued that planning theory has three basic tasks that are central to its endeavours (Friedman, 2011). First is the philosophical task of evolving a humanist philosophy to guide planners in their work; the task of adapting planning practices to the continually changing course of human affairs; and the task of translating knowledge and concepts from fields other than planning into our own language. These tasks show that planning as theory has evolved to adapt to current states, hence planning has the holistic approach to address every aspects.
Then there is the question of what is the ideal planning theory, particularly in dynamics complex modern world? The idea behind embracing communicative planning is to bridge the Euclidean paradigm with complex public policy planning. Planning is often perceived as tool for designing space and its hardware or widely known as Euclidean approach. High speed development in political and technological issue plays high role in rejuvenating how to define a new plan, it means traditional definitions and approach of planning is no longer make sense. In that respects planning should be normative, it has to relate to the interest of all humanity. If related to decentralization, such values of inclusive democracy; giving voice to the disempowered; integrating disempowered groups into the mainstream of economic and social life while preserving cultural diversity; privileging qualitative over quantitative growth, including the notion of sustainability; gender equality; and respect for the natural world. The aim of communicative theory is to achieve ‘emancipatory’ knowledge through dialogue between actors. Common principles allow dialogue and exchange of ideas to take place. Such principles include access to information, listening to and respecting other participants, having equal power to speak and challenge others, speaking sincerely, accurately and so on (Habermas, 1996).

Budgeting Theory

Budget plays a key role to successful planning since it will be the device to transform a vision into reality.  In public financing, budget planning meant at the least choosing particular target levels of service by activity and figuring out in advance what it would cost in personnel and supplies to accomplish those specific goals (Rubin, 1990). The deposition elaborate the idea of rejecting a model  of  budgeting that  allowed the departments to  ask for what they  wanted  instead  of requesting  what  they needed to  accomplish  particular tasks (money follow function).  It is believed that there was much waste in government and those expenditures could be cut back without losing much in the way of services.
The aforementioned helps budget as a tool of administration sets a framework for policy formulation (Gildenhuys, 1997). This requires decisions about actions to be taken to reach objectives. Choices must be made about which of many competing proposals should be adopted to further particular national objectives and about the extent to which various objectives can be advanced simultaneously. As a means of policy implementation, budget sets the standards of economy and efficiency apply. The budget is a guide for management, and at the same time budgetary procedures are instruments of administrative as well as legal control, because typically budget decisions are embodied in laws or decrees. Lastly, its document may be a source of public information on past activities, current decisions, and future prospects.
The above theory in planning and budgeting are applicable to the ‘real world’ whenever it relates to public policy planning. The consensus in public planning and its compromising aspects makes it unavoidable to detach it with political situation surrounds it. Law as one of goal of politics, in this case plays a role as supporting framework to establish a connection between planning and reality both in central and regional government.  

Evaluation and Legal Aspect in Indonesian Development Planning & Budgeting Context

There is a debate about public planning versus private sector planning, where private is more dynamic than public. The question is how does the mid-term planning (RPJM) can combine the national and subnational vision and mission and how the supporting policy can influence the private sector in minimizing the gap in its implementation? Current phenomenon resulted adaptive advantage where innovation driven organization yields because the recognition of private sector planning system as comparison.
Current decentralization process in Indonesia has driven the subnational to produce promises that are forced to be included into their own planning. The need of integration is high, how to formulate harmonization into planning system? The definition of word harmonize in today’s condition is still weak, RPJMN/D as tool of control is not sufficient although through UU 26/2007 reward and punishment is already set. However, it is not applicable since planning is about future estimation which heavily depends on future condition of uncontrolled socio economics situation. The keyword is “certainty” where planning has to be able to ensure the process of output and outcome. Priority needs to be rethink as budgeting indicators. This is become useless when ceiling become ceiling of all ministries. We need to have comprehensive planning and budgeting without adopting budget ceiling.
Problems in the Law 25/2004 are that some of the important parameters were not reflected within the coherence of the field of the national development planning. Law 25/2004 is eliminating the context of spatial planning; it is not align with the spatial dimensions of development (Oetomo, 2012). Law 26/2007 actually precedes the set of spatial planning linkages with development planning, which should be included in Law 25/2004.
Options for Indonesia in the future planning of decentralization is whether rational or non-rational. In the rational use within the planning, planners must become political activists who advocate for planning, while in the non-rational planning, planners should conduct active communication to communicate the benefit of others.
On the legal side, all the regulations must be homogeneous; there should be no conflict between regulations. According to the ‘45 Constitution there are no specific articles that stated planning; however there are two articles explaining budgeting. This means planning is something that still needs to be developed or revisited. In addition, the planning and budgeting document is legally unparalleled under the law; where RKP[1] is by Presidential Decree (PerPres), and while the State Budget is by Government Laws in State Budgeting (Mahendra, 2012). State Budgeting is relied heavily on political configurations; these configurations are unstable and vulnerable making presidential influence is weak and competing with the legislative. In practice, the fraction in legislative will reach consensus if the “cake of power” dividend is agreed.
The democratization process in local context is undergoing, however the fact that welfare of the community is not going parallel is another story. Main problem of the situation are: 1) Unclear division of tasks; 2) Institution; 3) Personnel capacity & capability; 4) Unclear local budgeting (refer to point 1). There is a need for affirmative policy where each ministry can map each province and regency/districts that has direct connection with them (Suwandi, 2012). The current planning process is still sectoral, therefore to prevent any lobbying; the role of the governor must be strengthened.  Related to personnel capability, with the recent law draft on civil servant, it has to be ensured that local government can have access to competent workforce in the right numbers. Finally, there has to be a balance between ‘freedom’ of decentralization and intervention in local authority context. Technocratic approach will eventually seep into politics arena. Therefore, affirmative policy is essential in technocratic approach.


A discourse on planning theory should take into account different approach of planning such as economic, physical development and public policy approach. Planning is a means to achieve set of objective by having alternative course of actions. In this context, budget served as means of policy implementation. In another words, it echoed the term “money follow functions”.
However, there is a gap between ideal paradigm and implementation of both planning and budgeting in the current national development planning system. These are findings from the first round table discussion on alignment planning and budgeting. Revitalization of national development planning and system is needed to address these challenges:
-          Alignment planning and budgeting
-          Decentralization context
-          The interconnection between Law No. 24/2004, Law No. 32/2004, Law No. 33/2004 and Law No. 17/2004.
The second round table discussion will then focus on the system of national development planning to see the interconnection between the supporting laws in the effort of aligning nation regional planning and budgeting in Indonesia’s decentralization context.


This paper is a brief summary of valuable inputs from highly accredited persons from the Government and Academia:
1.       Dr. Budhi Santoso, Direktur OTDA BAPPENAS
2.       Dr. Dadang Solichin, Direktur Evaluasi Kinerja Kelembagaan
3.       Dr. Sidqy Lego Pangesthi Suyitno, Direktur Keuangan Anggaran
4.       Drs.Wariki Sutikno, MCP, Kasubdit Pengembangan Kapasitas Keuangan Daerah
5.       Dr. Ir. Antonius Tarigan, MSi, Kasubdit Kelembagaan Pemerintah Daerah
6.       Prof. Robert Simandjuntak, FE UI
7.       Dr. Andi Oetomo, SAPPK ITB
8.       Dr. Made Suwandi, Ketua Tim Revisi UU 32/2004
9.       Dr. A.A. Oka Mahendra, Praktisi Hukum FH UGM
10.   Prof. Sofian Effendi, Decentralization Senior Advisor
Dr. Fauziah Zen, FE Universitas Indonesia

[1] Annual Government Development Plan

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