Clean and drinkable water is one of the major health issue for people in rural area of east and central Kalimantan. The land's richness of natural resources such as metallurgical and thermal coals means that the soil is rich also with metal components like ferrum and mercury. These components causing the water to undrinkable and sometimes poisonous.
To overcome this, BHP Billiton set up a project called Clean Water Project to about 10 villages who severely hampered by this water symptoms. Various techniques is used differently to each village according to its land conditions.
Community Based Water Management
Technical construction of clean water system might not a big challenge but to make it acceptable to the community thus making it sustainable is another story. In order to achieve a sustainable project especially in rural area, one must think how to make this project owned by the local people and Government. One thing to achieve this is through the establishment of water management body.
Socialization Phase
This activity is divided into :
1 . Establishment of water supply development committee
This establishment has been doing activities held at the local area involving elements of local village leaders, conveyed by village head in order to invite the community leaders , youth and religious education as well as practitioners in the formation of the building committee meeting while , before the committee managing water supply is permanently molded.
2 . Establishment of a technical team also coincide with the formation of the building committee
3 . Community resource mobilization team formation also coincided with the formation of the building committee
4 . Training capacity of the committee , the technical team , and a team of community resource mobilization in line with the formation of the building committee that is permanent , it can not be done because of the suspicion and mutual trust for others they are still established after all these years, taking care of the polemic is happening in the community better disseminate the work program .
The organization structure
A. Advisory
elected people sitting in the organizational structure are considered wise and elder in a village or neighborhood , their duty to provide input , direction and may be a mediator of conflict in a society in which the organization was formed .
B. Chairman
Chairman of the task as a driving force goes institution established by always engaged actively provide guidance to those people involved in the institution he leads .
C. Technical Team
The task of the technical team are : a group of people who have been deemed competent by the community and to be able to learn to be water technician ( plumber , cleaner , casting ) into a pump machine operator , calculate water flow and can understand how to measure the contour of the ground in a simple and others .
D. The team mobilization of community resources
This team has the task of mobilizing the community worked together to develop their means , to collect local materials such as sand , rock , coral and wood , set the pattern of mutual cooperation in the community and who can take care of local land handover.